Saturday, June 7, 2008

Batch #3 - Second Try IPA

For my third batch, I'm going to try another India Pale Ale. I'm using the same recipe I did the first time with a few modifications.

Here is the recipe

6.6 lbs Unhopped Light Malt Syrup (Coopers brand)
1 lb Light Dry Malt Powder
1 lb 20L Crystal Malt
1/2 lb 40L Crystal Malt
1/2 lb Dextrin Malt
1/2 lb Victory Malt
4 oz Cascade Hops (6%)
2 oz Centennial Hops (9.5%)
1/2 tsp Irish Moss

Steeping the whole grain

After sanitizing everything I brought 2.5 gallons of tap water to 150 degrees, then I started steeping the cracked grains in a grain bag. After 30 minutes, I removed the bag, added 2.5 gallons of tap water and brought the water up to a rolling boil.

Boiling the wort

Once boiling, I turned off the heat, added one cup of extract syrup, and turned the heat back on. Next I added 2oz of cascade hops to the water. These hops will add bitterness to the beer.

After 15 minutes, I added 1/2 tsp of irish moss to the boil.

After boiling for 30 minutes, I added another 2oz of cascade hops to the boil.

After boiling for 50 minutes, I added 1oz of centennial hops to the boil and put the wort chiller in the kettle.

After 60 minutes, I turned off the heat. Then the last ounce of centennial hops get tossed in the kettle, along with the remaining extract syrup and powder. After waiting ten minutes for the late additions to pasteurize, I turned on the chiller.

The chiller took about 20 minutes to get the wort down to 80 degrees. I then poured the wort back and forth between the fermenter and the boiling pot in order to aerate. Finally, I pitched the yeast.

I almost forgot to take a hydrometer reading and when I did I don't think it was accurate - nevertheless, it came in at a whopping 1.080.

Into the closet for a week.